Avatar of Chung Kao


Profile picture of Chung Kao

I am well organized, detail-oriented and self-motivated and adapts quickly to changes. Having transitioned from computer-illiterate to code capable, I have trained hard across the stack, and in different stacks, of web development to become a full-stack software engineer. In addition to being comfortable in public speaking, I am trilingual⏤able to work in English-, Chinese- and Japanese-speaking environments. I am fluent in MacOS and Microsoft native or third-party software and applications and knowledgeable in the MERN stack (Node.js, Express, MongoDB and React), Python and the Django framework, and Ruby on Rails, having experience in collaborative projects that had real-life applications. I work to excel and will not compromise quality merely to yield quantity or meet time constraints. My motto is Do It and Do It Well. 我行事很組織化、注重細節、自勵自發且適應力強。我從電腦文盲學習至有程式能力,並勵於縱深式及橫括式的學習不同的程式堆以成為ㄧ個全棧網路工程師。我對公眾演說並不羞澀,亦會三種語言,能在說中文、英語及日語的環境下互動,且熟悉蘋果及微軟之原生或第三方軟體及應用程式,還有關於 MERN 全棧(Node.js, Express, MongoDB 及 React)、Python 以及 Django 程式庫、與 Ruby on Rails 之專業知識,並善於互動合作開發實用之應用軟體。我行事完善決不取質換量或以求速成。我的座右銘是「要做就做好」。


Internet Research, Translation & Localization網際網路研究及翻譯與地方化

PacteraEDGE, January 2022 - PresentPacteraEDGE:2022年1月至今

I have been active on the platform OneForma (owned by PacteraEDGE) doing short contracts of internet research and English-Chinese (Traditional) translation and localization jobs, while continuing to train in full-stack web development as well as data science through Code the Dream, Justice Through Code and online learning platforms such as Udemy, Frontend Masters, Coursera and Stepik. 我現在 OneForma (PacteraEDGE 所有平台)擔任短約的網際網路研究及英中(繁)翻譯與地方化工作,同時繼續在 Code the Dream 與 Justice Through Code 等網路程式中心及在 Udemy、Frontend Masters、Coursera 及 Stepik 等網上平臺進修前、後端網路工程暨數據科學。

English-Chinese Translator中英互譯員

Mars Translation, January 2022 - Present火星翻譯:2022年1月至今

Mars Translation offers a transparent, intuitive and cost-effective online portal, marstranslation.com, that connects customers with highly rated, certified, native translators for document, web content, and video content translation in 120 language pairs. I work on English-to-Chinese projects in the fields of business and marketing, finance and insurance. 火星翻譯提供透明化、直覺式及有成本效益的門戶網站,讓客商可經由有認證及高評價的母語翻譯員為文件、網頁及影片做120種不同語言組之翻譯。我在商業及行銷、金融及保險方面領域為該社之英中專案做翻譯工作。

English-Chinese Translator中英互譯員

WritePath, October 2020 - Present雲翻譯: 2020年至今

WritePath is an online platform for translation, copy writing and copyediting with an industry focus on technical, financial and medical translations. Human translation experts are supported by translation technology to deliver higher quality, better consistency and faster return times. I work as a freelancer in the fields of corporate annual reports and website and applications. 雲翻譯(WritePath)是ㄧ線上初稿、校稿及翻譯平台,產業領域含括科技、金融及醫務等,專業譯員在智能科技輔助下可更有效率、更ㄧ致及更快的完成譯件。我以自由業為該社翻譯企業年報及網站與網路程式等領域之文件。

Code.7370 ProgramCode.7370 方案

The Last Mile/CALPIA, September 2016 - August 2018The Last Mile 與 CALPIA:2016年9月至2018年8月

Sponsored by The Last Mile, the Code.7370 program was launched in 2014 by CALPIA under its Career Technical Education program. Participants of the Code.7370 program undergo a 18-months training in front-end (track 1), back-end (track 2) and JavaScript algorithm (track 3) in web development and, once graduated, have the opportunity to work for The Last Mile Works, a for-profit joint venture of The Last Mile and CALPIA. I completed the program and developed a D'Syfer app that provided for the routine JavaScript competence quizzing of program participants. 經由 The Last Mile (TLM) 公益組織贊助,CALPIA 於2014年在其科技雇訓方案下成立這個創新的 Code.7370 雇訓中心,Code.7370 雇訓員在18個月的集訓中學習與前端(第ㄧ期)、後端(第二期)及 JavaScript 演算(第三期)有關之網路程式開發,并於完訓後可進階 The Last Mile Works(The Last Mile 與 CALPIA 合作的營利企業)從式於程式設計。我從該雇訓中心畢業並開發了一個 D'Syfer app 提供雇訓成員定期測試 JavaScript 熟練度之機會。

News Writer and Distribution Manager撰寫新聞及報紙運銷

San Quentin News, November 2014 - September 2016聖昆丁報:2014年11月至2016年9月

The San Quentin News is the recipient of an award by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Northern California chapter for outstanding accomplishment. I was a staff writer for the newspaper, specializing in legal and judiciary news, and managed the publication's subscription, distribution and business analytics to help expand its readership beyond Califronia.聖昆丁報曾獲美國職業媒體業者公會(SPJ)北加州分會頒發傑出成就獎。我在該社擔任記者期間專門撰寫法律與司法新聞暨同時經管該報之訂閱、運銷及經營分析,助於該社擴張讀者群至加州外之其他地區。


Code the Dream logo

Node.js and Express Full-stackNode.js/Express 全棧工程

Code the Dream, Jun-Oct 2022Code the Dream:2022年6月至10月

Completed Node.js and Express fullstack programming. Course continued into a three-month practicum of dev team collboration in production projects.修完 Node.js 與 Express 程式庫之網站全棧架構,結訓後接續三個月中參與學員工作小組,合作設計架構實用之網路 app。

Columbia University logo

Justsice Through Code軟體工程正義

Columbia University, Spring 2022哥倫比亞大學:2022年春季班

Completed the course on fullstack Python programming and career development offered by Columbia University, Center for Justice, Justice Through Code program.修完美國哥倫比亞大學正義中心、軟體工程正義專案之 Python 全棧網路工程及職涯規劃線上課程。

Code the Dream logo

Ruby on Rails BackendRuby on Rails 後端程式庫

Code the Dream, Mar-Jul 2022Code the Dream:2022年3月至7月

Completed Ruby on Rails backend programming. Course continued into a three-month practicum of dev team collboration in production projects.修完 Ruby on Rails 程式庫之網站後端架構,結訓後接續三個月中參與學員工作小組,合作設計架構實用之網路 app。

IBM logo

Python ProgrammingPython 程式設計

Coursera, Nov-Dec 2021Coursera:2021年11月至12月

Completed the online course Python for Data Science, AI and Development authorized by IBM offered through Coursera and learned Python programming fundamentals.修完 Python 程式語言之基楚課程,為 IBM 授權予線上學習平臺 Coursera 所教授之「Python:數據科學及人工智慧與開發」課程。

Code the Dream logo

React FrontendReact 前端程式庫

Code the Dream, Aug-Dec 2021Code the Dream:2021年8月至12月

Completed advenced frontend programming in React library. Course continued into a three-month practicum of dev team collboration in production projects.修完基於 React 程式庫的進階之網站前端架構,結訓後接續三個月中參與學員工作小組,合作設計架構實用之網路 app。

Columbia University logo

Financial Empowerment個人財務

Columbia Business School, Fall 2021哥倫比亞大學商研所:2021年秋季班

Completed the online course offered by Columbia University, prerequisite to Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in Spring 2022.修完美國哥倫比亞大學之線上課程,為創業理念2022年春季班之前必修。

Code the Dream logo

Intro to Progamming程式設計基楚

Code the Dream, May-Sep 2021Code the Dream:2021年5月至9月

Completed programming fundamentals in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX and fetch API, and applied to publish a personal portfolio on GitHub Pages. 修完 HTML、CSS、JavaScript、AJAX 及 fetch API 之網路程式基礎,併應用所學,在 GitHub Pages 上架構ㄧ個人簡介網頁。

Code the Dream logo

Project Management Certificate專案管理班

Asana-Pathstream, Mar 2021Asana-Pathstream:2021年3月

Certified for foundations of project management, effective project planning, and risk, quality and integration management.專案管理基礎及效率化專案計畫及風險、品質與整合管理證書。

                  Tamalpias College logo

Assoc. of Arts program準學士課程

Mount Tamalpias College, through 2019Mount Tamalpias 大學:至2019年

Completed 36 credit units toward an Associate of Arts in General Studies. Volunteer teaching assistant.修成ㄧ般準學士之36個學分,期間為義務性講師助理

PIA/TLM logos and California Seal

Web Development網路程式開發

CALPIA-The Last Mile, 2016-2018CALPIA-The Last Mile:2016至2018年

Completed a three-track series of web development fundamentals in frontend, backend, JavaScript algorithm as well as a dev team project, D'syfer.完訓於專修網路工程前端、後端及 JavaScript 演算程式基楚之三期課程,併參加工作小組合作架構ㄧ網路 app「D'syfer」。

California State University LA logo

MBA Program商學研究所

Cal. State University, LA, 1991-1992加州州大洛杉磯校:1991年至1992年

Honoree to the Dean's List and member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. I did not complete the program.學院長獎受獎者、Phi Kappa Phi 榮譽社團會員,未畢業。

Tokai University logo

Bachelor of Economics經濟學士

Tokai University, Japan, Mar 1990日本東海大學:1990年三月

Graduated Summa Cum Laude and recipient of the President's Award. Japan Ministry of Educstion and Moriya Foundation scholarships.最優等生、受校長獎畢業,日本教育部(文部省)及守屋獎學金獎學生。



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